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Music of the Foxtrot

Foxtrot patterns 001.jpg

Two examples of how the steps for the foxtrot would line up with the beats of music in 2/4. The top example shows the Slow-Slow-Quick-Quick pattern, and the botton example shows the Slow-Quick-Quick pattern.


The foxtrot can be danced to many different musical styles and tempi, however it is commonly danced to a moderate tempo (Bedinghaus). The music is in a simple duple meter in four bar phrases, and the first and third beats are accented more than the second and fourth beats. The Slow-Slow-Quick-Quick pattern would take up three measures with the Slow steps taking up two beats each and the Quick steps taking up one beat each. The Slow-Quick-Quick pattern would take up two measures. 

The picture to the right shows an example of how the steps would line up with the beats.

Bedinghaus, Treva. "Slow Foxtrot." ThoughtCo, Jan. 15, 2017,